Rough Week


Emily has been camped out on a little fold-out bed in our room for most of the week. She has been sick since Wednesday so that always makes her want to sleep in our room. Then she has had bad dreams which is another reason. A third reason is that she is afraid of spiders and bugs and they always seem to find their way into her room.

Maybe Dan & I should just switch rooms with her! ;-)


  1. Oh poor thing, I hope she feels better soon. xx

  2. So sorry to hear that Emily has been sick! We will be praying that she gets well soon!

  3. I hope Emily feels better soon. She reminds me of you when you were young and hated bugs and spiders, too!

  4. oh poor emily!
    when i was young i would get in bed with mom & dad when it was storming outside but my favorite person to sleep with was my older sister. She is 8 years older, and i would climb into bed with her and she would rub my back until i fell asleep! oh, it was heaven!


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