Show and Tell Friday: A Walk Around My Yard

Kelli hosts Show & Tell Friday so I thought I'd participate this week by showing you all the blooming things around my yard. I took a stroll around the backyard last night and found all sorts of surprises. It's been raining a lot the past few days and all sorts of things are blooming and popping up!

My lilacs.

The rhubarb patch just went crazy all of the sudden.

Mmmmmm, those stalks look ready for a pie.

My tulips look great. Ignore the dandelion in the picture! ;-)

Emily thinks these look like peppermint candies.

This is where my compost pile was. They are either squash, pumpkin or cucumbers. I'm not sure but I'm going to let them go and see what happens!


Early lettuce. Obviously, this whole bed needs to be weeded. However, it is directly below our bluebird house and those little rascals try to attack me every time I'm around them.

My little pot of mint outside the kitchen door.

I'm not sure what these little guys are called but I think they're beautiful.

This bush had little red berries on it and most of the summer it's just leaves. However, I walked outside last week and found the entire bush covered with these beautiful, red blossoms.

Well, those are the sights around my yard. I love this time of the year and it's wonderful to walk out and get a whiff of lilacs and tulips.


  1. Wow, you must really have a green thumb.

    MMM rhubarb pie! I love to eat it right out of the garden with lots of salt!

    Have a great day!

  2. Your obviously not in New England! Your garden looks great. Here we won't plant until end of May.

  3. Oh we won't plant the main part of the garden for a few more weeks. These are all the things that don't matter if it's still cold or not.

  4. I love all your plants! I think the little flowers are "Johnny Jump Ups". Not sure though. We had our last frost about a month ago, so we have planted some things.

  5. What a nice green thumb you have!

  6. Terri, they are little pansies, probably self seeded. I ahve them all over the garden and love them. The tiny wild version is called Heartsease.
    I'm pulling my rhubarb now too, it freezes so well, and we will be eating it in the Winter.

  7. It all looks beautiful Terri!! My tulip tops were eaten before they could bloom this year! I was so disappointed as they are my favorite spring flower!!! I hope you have a wonderfully Blessed Mothers Day my friend!~Wendy

  8. you blog looks great... I love lilacs.
    I also have those little-tiny pansies in and around my yard. It's so much fun watching things sprout and bloom this time of year.

  9. I haven't had rhubarb pie since the 8th grade when we moved from Wisconsin to Texas! My grandmother made the best pie!
    Your flowers are beautiful!
    Have a Blessed Friday...Julie

  10. Isn't springtime just beautiful? (I would never have noticed the dandelion for the beauty of the tulips!) LOL!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. This post so made me think of my Mum......she just passed away the day after Christmas......Lilacs were her very favorite flower. I bought her lilac everything for gifts.....and she was FAMOUS...(well, in our family) for her rhubarb custard pie....


  12. I want to start growing rhubarb!
    The tulips are SO pretty!

  13. WOW - very impressive!

  14. Thanks for sharing your stroll around the yard. Everything looks great. Happy Mother's Day


  15. The tulips are beautiful! Ours have already bloomed and gone. :(


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