Thankful Thursday


The Lord does so much for us and so often, we forget to thank Him for His wonderful gifts. That's why I'm trying to devote one day each week to look back and thank Him for the things He is doing in my life.

♫ He worked out a situation for our church that will be a huge blessing in someone's life, but at the same time will bless our church.

♫ Praise Him for an unexpected snow day today which is giving us time to reconnect as a family. It's been hectic around here lately!

♫ Stephen is showing great wisdom and responsibility in some situations in his life. I'm thankful that he is learning how to deal with different situations in a Godly way.

♫ A wonderful birthday that showed me again, how much my family and friends love me. I know they do but sometimes it's nice to get that affirmation! :-)

♫ The Lord has continued to meet our financial needs.

As we learn to keep our eyes on what the Lord is doing, it definitely makes for more joyful living. What are you thankful for?


  1. Lots of things!!! For small things, like a warm, comfy bed to sleep in; answers to prayers that aren't really what I wanted, but I know will be a blessing in the long run; the guy who ran a stop light yesterday on my way home, missed me! (whew) The the list goes on.


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