Work First, Play Later

Every now and then someone will ask me how I get so much accomplished in one day. I'm not always so productive but I do have a few reasons that I'm able to get a lot done. 1) I tend to work very quickly, 2) I'm fairly organized in that I make a daily list and try to accomplish everything on the list, and 3) I no longer have babies at home nor do I have any major health issues.

However, I think the thing that has helped me the most the past few years is the fact that I try to get my housework out of the way before I do the things I enjoy such as crafting or reading.

Believe me, the few times that I've tried to do it the other way around, absolutely NOTHING gets done around here. I seem to run out of steam the longer the day stretches on.

So my motto work first and play later has worked well for me.

Today I did the breakfast dishes and 3 loads of laundry.

I got dinner started in the crockpot.

I cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the kitchen, living room, and hallway.

Since I got a number of tasks completed, I was ready to do something enjoyable.

Today, I sat down to make some cards.

I'm up between 4:30-5:30 a.m. each day, depending on how the night went so this was all done by lunch time. That left me the afternoon to get some other things done. I spent most of the afternoon on the phone with the insurance company trying to get something straightened out.

Of course, I'm not a night owl and it's 8:25 and I'm starting to fade! I try to put some time into my schedule each day to do some crafting. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! :-)


  1. You are certainly an early bird Terri! I know its the best way, but I would find it hard now to be that early.

  2. Hi Terri, I know this rule, but I'm like a child. I want to play first! But, when I work first and play afterwards, I feel so much better about everything and don't feel so overwhelmed. Thanks for the reminder. Today I will clean, then sew!!!!
    I also want to complement you on your pictures in this post and the previous ones. They are great.

    Debbie J.

  3. Thanks Debbie. I got a new camera for Christmas, but a lot of the improvement comes from finally figuring out that I have a photo editing program!


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