New Strategy


This is my 4th week of working a full-time job. I have to say that I'm starting to get into the swing of things and feel less stressed out. One thing that helped tremendously was to realize that I just cannot keep trying to do all the things that I did when I was home full-time.

One thing that I have implemented to help relieve some stress is asking the children for more help around here. They have always been good about doing whatever I ask, but because I was home full-time I did the bulk of the work. Now, that I'm gone 35 hours a week I need them to pick up the slack.

So every day I have been trying to leave them with one or two chores that they need to do when they get home. This way the house is not a disaster!

Saturday was our big cleaning day and they chipped in. Nathan was gone from 9-9:30 for a fireman's event, but he changed his sheets and cleaned his room before he left.

Emily did the breakfast dishes for me and vacuumed the living room.


Stephen cleaned his entire room and did some odd chores around the house as I needed him to.


I have to say my kids are pretty good about cheerfully pitching in. They don't always do things the way I would, but they are always willing which is half the battle.

So with my new strategy in place, I'm feeling a lot less pressure!


  1. All things bright and beautifulSeptember 28, 2010 at 3:25 AM

    I don't know if this might help Terri - and I don't want to be a know all - sorry if this offends - just delete :)
    When I worked full time, on Saturday morning! Everyone gave 1 hour of time so with 5 of us that was 41/2 hours work (Alex was very young so we reckoned his hour was a mini hour - lol) and blitzed the house and we raced each other. After that hour we were done and in the afternoon either the kids played with kids in the street and Steve & I chilled in the garden or we'd all go out for the afternoon. And Sunday was free.
    I had most shopping delivered (internet shop) on a Thursday night.
    Remember you are doing great and school hols will come soon. Much love.

  2. That is wonderful Terri, and so good for the kids to take an active role in the home. I have to confess that my kids didn't really do much in our home til recently, and my youngest is almost 18! My fault entirely, as I always wanted things done my way (plus I was at home full time).

    Well done!

  3. Lynn, I'm not offended at all. Those are great ideas!

  4. Hi Terri,
    This is great. It is good for children to help out at home. I wasn't made to help at home and I wish I had been. It teaches them so much.
    Have a wonderful week.

  5. Terri, I've only just caught up with the fact that you are working. It is such a good idea to get help from the children. When I was teaching we all had a little rota of tasks to do on a Saturday, and it helped so much. It is such good training for young people when they have their own homes.

  6. It sounds like a good plan, Terri! This started with you helping Dan and now the kids are helping you! The whole family is working together and that is such a blessing! May the Lord bless all your efforts!


  7. Hey Terri, Great plan.... with me working full time and Eric now at home with the kids full time we had to sit down and do some re-thinking..... with his Fibro there are days he doesn't feel up to doing all I was doing when I was home... the kids have been a great help these last couple of years especially... they have always pitched in, but now they do much more of the chores around here.... and that really helps (esp. weeks like this week when I'm pulling over 50 hrs.) they each have learned to do just about everything... each have a couple of nights each week to cook dinner (with help when needed) and the older 3 each do their own laundry (that really has helped out!) Eric and the kids may not get it all done just like I would, but they sure do get it done. Love the support and look at them doing it their own way as a learning experience for both them and you! So glad to hear that you have a great support group in your family!!!!


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