Summer Recap

At the beginning of the summer I made a decision that I wanted this one to be fun for our family. We've had a horrendous couple of years and I felt like we really needed to actually enjoy a summer for a change.

Well, today is the last holiday before the Fall season starts and in looking back, I think we accomplished what I wanted. We didn't get to do everything I planned. Some of that was because this was the first year that the boys had jobs. Also, Nathan's participation in the local fire department and all the parades limited our time.

I looked back at my list from the end of June and decided to see what we actually did. I highlighted the things accomplished in red.

► Emily going to camp for a week in July.


► Stephen going to adventure camp for a week in July. He will be roughing it by backpacking in the Adirondack Mountains.

► Nathan is marching in a parade and helping out with the town carnival run by the fire department.
He actually marched in 7 parades!


► Trip to the New York Aquarium & Coney Island beach and boardwalk.

► Hiking on the Appalachian Trail.


► Trip to a local lighthouse by the Hudson River.

► Taking Emily & her friends rollerskating one day in the next few weeks.

► Trip to visit inlaws and spend the day at an amusement park.

► Renting a cabin by a lake for a week. (Praying for this one as $ are tight)

► Local lake & beach for a barbecue. Well, we actually went to the beach for the day while visiting our inlaws so it counts.

► Lots of home barbecues with friends. We had a church barbecue here with I consolidated it into one event! ;-)


► Berry picking (okay, I think this is fun but I'm not sure about anyone else)!


► Trip to ocean one day.

We also did some unplanned things.

► Trip back out to see inlaws this past weekend.

► Children got to go kayaking.

► Lots of fun with cousins.


► Went to the movies.

Then on top of the fun things, we got a lot of projects done.

► Painted both sides of the fence surrounding the front yard.


► Dug up the weeds, planted flowers, and mulched along front fence.

► Dug up weeds and mulched flower garden.

► Stripped wallpaper, primed and painted two rooms in the building next door.


► Ran 3D Girls every Wednesday night.


► Numerous sewing projects.

► Hours spent pulling the weeds in the garden.

► Spent a morning in front of the local store collecting for school supplies.


► Spent a day at the park, working at our church's Summerfest 2010.

► Hours spent canning.


So overall it was a great summer! We were busy, productive, and had fun. We hate to see it end.


  1. Wow! You achieved a lot Terri! That's great! xx

  2. Sounds like a good summer! It has been a busy and good one for us as well.

  3. You sure did get a lot accomplished this summer as well as getting in a lot of fun!! I'm glad that you were able to achieve your objective.

    Enjoy your work week, Terri.

    I spent yesterday visiting a local lake checking it out for your next visit. LOL!


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