Quantity or Quality?


We had 3D Girls again last night and I have to admit that at times I wish we had a bigger group. In the past we have had upwards of 15 girls for this program. However, because they have all aged out and into youth group, 3D Girls is much smaller this year.

We currently have 6 girls. Yet, I have to remember that it is not always the quantity that matters.

I have to ask myself the following questions:

► Are they learning about the Lord?

► Are they having fun?

► Are they coming back each time?

► Are they being stretched to try new things?

► Are they growing in their relationships with each other?

► Do they come away from each meeting with some new concept?

I can answer yes to all of the above. So I guess the quality of the program is there.


♥ One girl told me that 3D Girls was the best thing in her life.

♥ Another girl told me that she thinks about it all week long.

♥ One girl had stayed home from school yesterday because she was sick. Of course, I found this out after I noticed her sitting there looking very red and quiet. She had a fever! I did tell her that if she was home sick from school, she should stay home from 3D Girls too. LOL!!! However, she wanted to come so badly that she showed up sick.

♥ One of the girls made her parents come home early from vacation so she wouldn't miss it.


Last night, we talked about what is on our insides is what is important to God. We made autumn mobiles, made Bavarian pretzels and continued singing and practicing for the Christmas program.

I'm learning that it really is the quality and not the quantity that matters.


  1. It sounds as though you have got it absolutely right, and they are loving being in the group, however small.

  2. Terri, Thanks for the wonderful reminder of what is important. I, too, get discouraged sometimes because I have a small pre-school Sunday School Class. I have often said I want it to grow. Now, because of you, I will think differently.

    Sounds like you have a wonderful, enthusiastic group of girls. Good Job!


  3. If they feel like they can't miss 3D girls even though their sick and think it is more important than vacations, I guess you have won them over. Keep doing what your doing. It seems that you are keeping their attention.


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