Thrifty Thursday & "Operation Celebration", Day #4

"Industry, thrift and self-control are not sought because they create wealth, but because they create character."  ~ Calvin Coolidge

It's Thrifty Thursday and today I want to talk about our attitudes towards frugality.  I have to be honest and say that I don't always have a good attitude about it.  Sometimes I get tired of counting every penny and not being able to purchase even the smallest unnecessary item.

However, when my attitude stinks, the rest of the family's does too.  If I allow myself to feel deprived everyone else starts to whine about it.  When I'm positive and upbeat and make a game out of it, the rest of the family follows suit.

I love this quote by Calvin Coolidge because it's true.  These things do develop character.  As you learn to be content with what you have you are developing peacefulness.  When you live within your means you learn to make do and have patience.  When you come up with a creative, inexpensive way to have fun, you learn to appreciate the small things.

As we attempt to save money let's make sure our attitudes are right.  Let's not huff and puff and complain our way through this.  When we are cheerful and positive, it does become something that's fun and a good challenge.

This week as I've tried to make Emily's birthday special without any money, I've found that I'm starting to really get excited about the things I can do to make it fun for her.  As my attitude got better, it became fun for me!

Today is Day #4 of "Operation Celebration."

Back in December I made her a quilt for her bed and the promise to paint her room.  Yes, it's May 31st and the room is still not painted.  I can't buy paint until next week but today I'm taking the leftover material and making curtains for her room.  I'll show the pictures tomorrow.

She is also getting her other favorite meal tonight, salmon cakes.

She had a great birthday yesterday and went to bed happy and content.   This has been such a fun thing for me to do too.  Tomorrow's surprise will send her over the moon with happiness! :-)


  1. I am so so enjoying Operation Celebration and am wondering whether I can come up with something - not sure I have your creative mind though. :)
    Much love & Happy Birthday Emily!

  2. My granddaughter will be eight next week. I think I will try to do one special little thing for her every day......starting Sunday. (I know I ma a copycat but I would never think of doing something like this on my own.)

    Have a good day.

  3. Having so much fun keeping up on Emily's birthday week and I love the Calvin Coolidge quote, it's so true.

    Have a blessed and Thrifty day :)

  4. This is such a wonderful idea; something she will remember for the rest of her life. Your children are blessed having such a creative and loving mother.


  5. I've so much enjoyed following this series about "Operation Celebration". I can contribute one nearly no-cost idea for a gift, this is something we did a few years ago for my daughter. My husband and I video- and audio-recorded ourselves telling her all the things we love about her, and gave her the DVD and CD for her birthday.

    1. Christine that would be a great idea but I don't have a video camera. Thanks for the idea though!

    2. Of course you could always just write a list! (Our public library lends out video and audio recorders, I don't know if yours might as well?)

    3. Our public library lends recording equipment, I don't know if yours does - but of course you could always just write a list!

  6. Your idea to celebrate Emily's birthday all week long is a marvelous idea and what a blessing for her to be able to look for special surprises all week long must make each day a wonder for her, Terri. You are such a great mom and to do it on a shoe string budget as well makes you a very special person.

    I also liked the Calvin Coolidge quote.


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