Help in the Trenches

Being in the ministry has it's challenges.  There are expectations, ups, downs, sorrows, laughs, and many tears.  Sometimes you have to be all things to all people.  It can be exhilarating,but it is also exhausting. You can't share too much.  You can't get too close.  You can't be too real.

Our denomination has something they call a coaching cluster where pastors in a specific geographic area get together regularly to support each other, challenge each other and pray for each other.  Usually it's just the pastors and then roughly twice a year the wives and families join in.  

Last night, Dan & I hosted a get together with the pastors, their wives, and any children who wanted to join in.  It was fun, relaxing and encouraging.  I'm so thankful for our group of friends who are in the trenches with us.  Who understand what we deal with in a way that no one else ever could.  It was a time of refreshment both for the body and the soul.  

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1,231-1,250.

♥ A companion while I sew.

♥ A church full of young children and teens.

♥ The ability to be resourceful and frugal.

♥ Red skies at dusk.

♥ Nathan who tells me regularly that he loves his job!

♥ A friend who provided us with groceries.  Enough for at least 2 weeks.

♥ A friend who visits me every time I walk.

♥ Good-natured teasing from friends.

♥ Fall mums.

♥ The gift of millet & brown rice.

♥ Anticipation.

♥ Hearing a little girl who has had very little stability in her life tell me she loves children's church.

♥ A church family I love.

♥ Mischievous kittens.

♥ Blessing a young woman in our church with a baby shower.

♥ Changing leaves.

♥ A time of focused prayer.

♥ A husband who knows when it's time to tell me, "Enough!"

♥ Fall decorations.

And finally...

♥ A wonderful support network.


  1. Oh sister do I hear you on being in the ministry! My husband is the associate/youth pastor for our church and being a pastor's wife is NOT one of the things I had on my list of goals five years ago! Ha!

    How cool that you have a group of friends who can "be" in the trenches with you. I'm still trying to find that group. I guess until I can wrap my head around the whole "pastor's wife" thing it will be hard to do!

    1. Hi Mindy! Well we do have a wonderful denomination that recognizes the need to do this and so each pastor is required to be part of their "coaching cluster" as it is called. We happened to be blessed with a great one and all get along fairly well. I agree with you...the whole pastor's wife thing is a very weird role! lol Be blessed!

  2. I am so glad to hear how happy Nathan is at his job. Loved all of your pictures. The table you set for your dinner last night was so pretty. I think I will copy you when we have our Thanksgiving dinner at the Church next month.

    Have a good week, my friend.


  3. Wonderful blessings to be thankful for Terri!



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