

We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, "Why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way.  ~ Author Unknown

For about 2 1/2 years now I've been counting my blessings every week.  It's been a wonderful exercise and has helped me to get a new perspective on things.  But often, I still whine, complain, carry on, rant, rave, feel depressed when things don't go my way.

This past week, I really started praying that God would help me to live in the moment and stop worrying about things I can't control.  I always pray that but when push comes to shove, I'm just as ungrateful as anyone!


My desire is to carry out my life with thanksliving.  To be thankful each moment.  To deliberately look for the blessing as it's happening.  Typically, the past two years I have sat at my computer on Sunday night and thought back over the past week and named my blessings.  That is good.  I'm glad I do that.  But I fear I may be missing things because I forget to pay attention when they are happening.


So this week, I've been writing them down as they happen.  I've been praying that God would give me a new perspective.  I've been praying that I would be thankful with not only the good, but the bad.

Of course, I had opportunity to practice.  Stephen was in a fender-bender last night in a parking lot.  He is fine but the car is messed up.  This is the car he takes to college and our other one is on its last legs.  Then we discovered that we don't have collision on the car which means the whole process is going to take twice as long, unless we pay for it ourselves.  However, we don't have money for that.  Lots of things to get in a tizzy about.

Today I'm focusing on accepting these things as lessons to keep me in thanksliving.  To keep my eyes focused on God and not on my circumstances.  To not just accept blessing but adversity, and to actually see the blessing in adversity.


How about you?  Are you practicing thanksgliving?


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