Crafty Things


March 1st!!!!  Is anyone besides me excited that the end of winter is in sight?  My mind is turning to warm weather, abundant sunshine and Spring.  Of course, I live in the Northeast so it'll be cold, wet (in the form of rain or snow) and dreary for at least another month but I certainly see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I started looking at spring-time fabrics and this week made two tea cozies.  I loved how these turned out.  After the first one, I ended up tweaking the pattern and had a much easier time.  

Here is the first one.

The second one...

Aren't they adorable?  

In other news, I was able to upload one of my own photos for the book cover and I'm much happier with it.  I had used one of the stock photos the publishing company had, but wasn't thrilled about doing that.  I mean, who wants a book with a twin out there?  lol  I loved being able to use one of my own photographs.

Here is the new cover:

I received the proof in a pdf-file and I ordered a hard copy proof of my book and I'm going over it with a fine tooth comb to correct any errors.  I then resubmit the whole file and get another proof to review.  Once I'm done with that, and as soon as I get the awaited permissions for the Bible verses, it'll be ready to publish.  This whole process is very interesting to me and I'm enjoying seeing my thoughts and words materialize in book form. 

You are welcome to come on over and like my facebook page, Wednesday Words of Encouragement for a Discouraged World.  The more I can get the word out, the better!

I'm tentatively setting a date for the middle of April.  So exciting! 


  1. It is so exciting, Terri. I love the cover photo.

  2. Ooh, it's very exciting Terri! Those tea cosies ARE adorable! And yippee for 1st March!! xxx

    1. Thanks, Tina. I'm sooooooo happy that Spring is right around the corner!

  3. Lots of 'exciting', Terri! Spring brings such joy ~its (almost) worth having winter just for this :)
    Your book looks professional. Is it based on your Weds Words of Encouragement on your blog?
    Well done!
    Cute cosies, too.

    1. Thank you, Alex. Yes, the book is a result of those devotionals.

  4. The cosies are beautiful. I love them! We are having springlike weather and then winter like weather alternately for the last couple of months. One day it will be sixty or sixty-five with lots of sun and then it will be fifty and cold and dreary. Can't wait for the real spring like weather. Even though our winters are much more mild than yours, I kind of tired of our prelonged cold weather spells.

    I loved the book jacket before you tweaked it but I understand that you want yours to be personal and not like someone else's book cover. But now that I see your own photo, I really like that one as well and it is so much better to have your own picture. I'm excited for you and can't wait to buy my own copy.

    Love Mom

  5. Congrats on the book, Terri! It looks beautiful and I wish you much luck with it.
    The teapot covers are adorable!
    Thanks for the nice comment on my baby sweater. I'm sorry about your carpal tunnel, but we do adapt, don't we?


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