
"You can give up the need to compete in the world — when you accept being complete in Christ." ~ Ann Voskamp

I can so relate to this today.  I've had times of floundering and flopping around like a fish out of water the past few months. 

Today has been a day of doing what I should do all the time.  It's been a day of prayer.  A day of keeping quiet.  Of contemplation.  Of just focusing on my home.  So often, I look for others to affirm me and yet, I have ones right here in front of me that need my attention.  I'm so busy looking around that I forget to keep focused on the ministry the Lord has given me right within these four walls. 

So today, I've been making a comfortable living space for my son who is home from college.  I've been taking care of a very sick young lady who is having a flare-up of asthma.  I've been making meals for my husband and children.  I've been working on things my husband has asked me repeatedly to do and I procrastinate on.

This afternoon, I decided to take a break and check my favorite blog and found this message.  God's love reminding me.  I love when He does that.

Please go visit Ann's blog and feel her words wash over you.


  1. Ann writes so beautifully...but then so do you Terri.

  2. Interesting. I just read a blog post that talks about Ann Voskamp being basically a heretic who promotes panentheism. Having never read her work, I cannot testify to this. Having read these claims though, I never will.

    Check out the site "Abandoned to Christ" and read the article. Very interesting.

    1. I've read Ann's book and I don't see what this woman sees at all. I'm pretty discerning when it comes to false doctrine and I don't agree with the blog you mentioned at all.

  3. I hope you know that I was not trying to be divisive, I just found it so interesting that the day before I read your post, I had read the other. I believe that the blog I mentioned to you has legalism at it's core. I do not read many Christian women writers simply because I have little interest. I stick to reading the Bible and rereading(ad nauseum :)) my Philip Yancey and Max Lucado books :)

    1. I didn't take it that way at all, Theresa! I realized my answer was kind of short but I had about 100 distractions going on around me at the same time. lol What I meant to say is that I've read Ann's book and her blog for a number of years now. She most certainly points people to Jesus and not "grace" as the savior. Her point is that learning to look for the blessing in every day life is what changed her life around. I know many people who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and yet, sadly, are some of the most unhappy, morose people out there. The point of her book (which came before the blog) was thanksgiving! :-) Anyway, no offense taken. Have a blessed day!


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