Confessions of a Homemaker


Every Monday afternoon I make my way to the local farmer's market which is about a half a mile from my home to set up my booth.  After I get it all set up, I usually take a picture and post it to facebook to help advertise that myself and the other vendors are there and to generate some interest.

Yesterday as I sat there and looked over my table of wares I was reminded once again of how much I enjoy being a stay-at-home mom.  Every single thing on the table showed how much I have grown into this role over the years.

When Dan & I were first married, I had no idea how to do much of anything.  The meals were tasteless, the house was a mess, and I was consumed with working outside of the home. I remember mold growing on the walls of the shower in my first house because I never cleaned.  UGH!  My main goal in life was to make a name for myself and change the world.  To be honest, it was all about ME!

Yet, as I look back over my life, I remember being happiest at playing "house."  I used to love to pretend that I was in my own home and cooking for my family.  I would take my dolls and play for hours, caring for them.

When I had my first child, who had special needs my goals changed.  I had no greater desire than to take care of my family.  I still struggled with the whole "making a name" thing but always came back to the desire to be content at home.  I remember lamenting to a friend, who was the head of a ministry we worked for about my struggle and her telling me, "Well, we are working women and we need to make sacrifices."

I thought, "Is sacrificing my family a price I'm willing to pay?"  And that was the beginning of making changes so that I could stay home.  I did not want to make that sacrifice and I am so glad that I made those changes.  It hasn't always been easy and financially, it has been hard, but I'm so thankful for my life.

I have a relative who will tell me sometimes, "It's a shame that you aren't using your degree."  Yet, in my mind I am!  I was a psychology major in college and that certainly is being used each day as I deal with people.  I used my seminary degree all the time as I minister alongside Dan and teach women the truths found in God's word.

I'm 52 years old and my youngest is 15 and I've gotten to the point where I am very peaceful with the decision I made so many years ago to stay home. I don't worry any more about what others think about my decision.  And I am never bored!  Unlike what most think, I don't sit around watching soap operas and eating bon-bons.  lol  In fact, I rarely sit at all.  But I get to be creative and productive in a variety of ways each day.

(Barbara, I realize I still didn't put these in the Etsy Shop.  Sorry!)

I get to minister alongside my husband.  I am available to my children.  I prepare nutritious meals.  I manage our home and our lives and free up Dan to do his job more effectively.  I am available to our church family when they need me and I have flexibility to make changes in my schedule as needed. 

I may not be changing the world, but that's okay.  I'm happy.  I'm content.  I'm productive and busy.  I'm a homemaker. :-)

women helping women link-up


  1. A wonderful post to read this morning, Terri! You have come a long way! You do it beautifully and are where you're supposed to be.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. I am a homemaker too and am quite happy about it.

    1. Which makes for a very peaceful home! :-)


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