Multitude Monday

I have so many things that I'm thankful for in my life and some days I really feel overwhelmed with gratitude at the many ways the Lord has blessed me.  Does that mean my life is perfect?  No.  Do I have bad days?  Often!  Do I have to fight every day to be thankful?  Yes.  But the key is looking and learning to thank Him no matter what the circumstances and to find Him in the littlest of things.

I often complain more than praise.  I forget to look.  I forget to open my mouth and actually say, "Thank you." when I do see the blessings.  That's why I love doing this each Monday and even though Ann's blog no longer has the link-up, I want to keep on listing my praises.
This week I'm thankful for blessings #2142-2150.
2142.  Fresh baked bread, ready for the market.

2143.  New and unexpected flowers each week.

2144.  Presenting the creation account in a new and fun way.

2145.  A wonderful time of worship yesterday.

2146.  Emily is off to teen camp and is reunited with friends from our last church.

2147.  We were reunited too! :-)

2148.  Another pound lost for a total of 19.

2149.  A garden that's growing.

and finally...

2150.  Finding the blessing in the small things!


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