Crafty Things

I've been going flat out lately in the sewing and crafting area because I'm getting ready for a large event that's happening tomorrow, Christmas in Mexico, NY.  This is such a wonderful event that happens each year and is really a lot of fun.

I debated for quite a while about whether I was going to set up in one of the schools where all the craft vendors are, but then decided to display my items at the coffee shop that carries my things year round.  They have been so good to me and asked me to be there so that's what I decided to do.  It'll be a fun atmosphere, I won't have to lug so much there because I already have a display set up and I can be set up longer.  The craft fair goes from 9-3, but there will be activity up on the other end of town later in the day.  So I'm hoping I get some of the later day traffic.

Here are some things I've been working on!

Salves, lip balms and soy candles.



A new item I'm carrying is reusable fabric gift bags.  Each bag comes with an attached ribbon and one free gift tag that I made yesterday.  I'm hoping these sell.  I'm not making a lot of them until I see how they do.

I also have some decorative baskets and boxes so people can pick and choose what they would like to purchase and if they want, I can do it up in a gift basket or box for them for the cost of the materials.

Anyway, I hope tomorrow goes well.  Anything that doesn't sell tomorrow will go into the three different shops.  I also must get an order filled that I received for 7 aprons so that's my plan for early next week. 

It's been busy!  Have a wonderful day!


  1. Lovely things. I think your idea of baskets for people to put their gifts in is so good. I would buy something like that.


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