Wednesday Words of Encouragement: What Do You Mean it's Not All About Me?

Hebrews 10:23-25 (NLT) ~

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

On Sunday, as I looked around the congregation after the service, I was encouraged.  Some were praying together for somebody going through a health crisis, others were fellowshipping.  Some were busy using their gifts in serving and others were using theirs by ministering. There was laughter from many and there were tears from others.  No one was being ignored and all felt connected.  Even though Sundays can be busy, I am always so glad that I went to encourage others and to be encouraged.

I love this passage in Hebrews because it affirms why we are to meet together as a body of believers.  We don't go to church because it's our duty.  We don't get together with other Christians because we are supposed to do that.  We do it because it is a way to encourage each other.  When we meet regularly, we develop relationships with others.  We know how to pray for each other.  We become part of another's life which spurs us on to love and do good.

Are you part of a local body of believers?  Do you regularly meet with other Christians?  Do you think of ways to motivate others to acts of love and good works?  Or is it all about you.  Ouch!  I know that can sting but we often live our lives that way, don't we?  It's all about ME!

If I don't like what the pastor is preaching on this week, I don't show up. If Susie offended me, I stay home.  If things don't go my way, I leave and church becomes a television preacher.  It's often like the proverbial boy who gets mad, picks up his toys and goes home.

As believers it is NOT about us.  It is about Jesus Christ and it is about others.  I'm not sure how we can ever expect God's blessing in our lives when we constantly think everything has to be the way we want it to be.  I'm not sure how we can think we will grow if we are not in relationship with others.

Christ's coming is imminent.  I want to be found worthy and I want to do His will.  And often that will mean setting aside my own desires and encouraging others in their walk.

Let's work together to motivate, to encourage and lift each other up!


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