
Dan & I walk together most days and as we walk we do a lot of talking about marriage, children, ministry and life. One of the things we've been talking about lately is my desire to work on becoming a consecrated woman in ministry. I often struggle with whether this was the right choice as it is a lot of work for an uncertain future. 

The reason I say it's uncertain is that I'm in a different situation than some as I work on this. My husband is a full-time pastor so any ministry position that I could obtain with this is limited because of the fact that we come as a package deal. In other words, I'm not going to go off and get a job in a church without my husband and that goes the other way around too. So there are moments when I'm wondering if I should be doing this.

My sweet husband told me yesterday, "Look at the fruit from your ministry. It's obvious that God has called you so stop apologizing and feeling guilty for being obedient to the Lord." And that helped to reassure me that I'm on the right path. I have a tendency to get frustrated because I feel like things aren't moving fast enough or growth isn't happening so as I reflected, there is much fruitfulness that is happening in our church. Writing it out is a good reminder for me.

🍎 Three different people in our church have stepped up and will be running the youth group which starts this coming Sunday. This means that other than overseeing it, I don't have to be involved at all. My son, Stephen, another gentleman and woman will be taking charge of this twice a month.

🍎 My 3D Kids program is starting up again next week. Again, I have 4 helpers and found out this Sunday that there will be a few more new children coming.

🍎 We had a ladies Bible study last night and ten ladies came and some of those are women who haven't come before.

🍎 I have a full slate of nursery and children's church workers which is wonderful. I'm especially happy about the nursery because we have some new babies and preschoolers in there. 

And then there is some fruitfulness happening in the church which isn't part of my ministry, but still something for which to praise God.

🍎 A growing worship team. In the past when our worship leader was away, I would step in and lead. However, some of our team members have grown to the point where they don't need me to do that. They are stepping up and taking charge themselves.

🍎 A vibrant deaconess ministry. Our deaconess rock! They plan many of the fellowship events at the church and jump in wherever they see a need.

🍎 Upcoming community events - We are hosting the American Red Cross blood drive at our church at the end of October, there is a town craft fair in early November that we always participate in. This year we are also offering a free "make and take" craft for children and a free children's clothing give away. We will have a free "make and take" craft table for children at a huge town-wide Christmas craft show, Christmas in Mexico, in December.

🍎 From a physical building point of view - the church and parsonage had new roofs put on this year, a woman in our church painted two beautiful signs with our denomination's logo for either side of the building, a cupola was added to the top of the building, the front of the church got painted, and someone fixed our deck and another gentleman brush-hogged the back field. Other than the roofs these things were all done by volunteers.

And there are so many other things that are too numerous to mention. So as I look at the fruit, I'm encouraged. God is good and He will provide as we continue to minister to others for Him.

We went apple picking as a family yesterday and then I also made pumpkin bread from fresh pumpkin at my daughter's request. So I had many "hands-on" opportunities to reflect on fruitfulness yesterday. I'm thankful for the many reminders God gives me!


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