Multitude Monday

It was a busy, busy week last week and I'm thankful that for the most part, things are much slower this week. Looking back the word that comes to mind is "faithful."  I saw God's hand in many ways this week that shows His faithfulness to us. My prayer is that I can remain faithful to Him not only in the good times, but in the hard times and the desert-times and the times when I don't see Him working.

There is much to be thankful for this week.

This week I am thankful for blessings #3,411 - 3,425.

3,411. The brake lines went on the car that Stephen uses and while he was driving. I'm so thankful that he was able to get home safely with a car with no brakes.

3,412. We received two gifts from our church family that will help pay for a portion of the new brakes.

3,413. The car that Dan and I use is old and has about 225,000 miles on it and yet it keeps on working. I'm thankful that it got me to three out of town meetings this week.

3,414. Despite three days spent in all day long meetings, I still managed to get a good amount accomplished.

3,415. No new cavities at my dentist appointment, though I am going this morning to get a temporary filling replaced.

3,416. A gentle reminder from the Lord that I am not responsible for results, just being faithful in doing what I am called to do. 

3,417. I was asked on Tuesday if I wanted to participate in a craft fair on Saturday and I decided to go ahead and do it. I'm glad I did because I sold quite a bit and also was able to get out in the community and also visit with friends. 

3,418. The smell and taste of soft, fresh made naan for dinner.

3,419. My husband who is an example to me of what faithfulness looks like.

3,420. I'm thankful for orders which do help us out financially. 

3,421. Some sort of student help came through for Emily which knocked $400 off her bill. It's not a lot when you are looking at thousands of dollars but every bit helps.

3,422. The smell of autumn woods.

3,423. God speaking to me through other authors.

3,424. A quieter week.

and finally...

3,425. God's faithfulness.


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