Wednesday Words of Encouragement

John 14:2-4 (HCSB) ~

In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.

I was at a recent conference and over the course of two different meal times I went to sit with a group of ladies. Both times I was told that they were saving seats and there was no room. To be honest, it made me feel like I was back in high school and trying to sit with the popular crowd. They weren't intentionally leaving me out, but it still stung.

I was reminded of that experience this morning as I read these verses in John. Jesus told His disciples that He was going ahead to prepare a place for them. They were going to be welcome guests in His kingdom and not only was He going to prepare a place, He was going to come back and escort them into it.

What a beautiful picture for those of us who have a relationship with Christ. We are welcome guests at His table. He is saving seats for us. I love the parable of the wayward son and how when his father sees him a great way off, comes running towards him with open arms.

I often picture God doing that to us. When we come to faith in Him and turn our back on sin, He comes towards us at a dead run with His arms open wide to embrace us. Instead of berating us, He welcomes us. I imagine that when the day comes and we join in for eternity, He'll do the same. He will give us a huge bear hug and joyfully show us to our place at His table and in His kingdom. 

That is a day for which I cannot wait!


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