Home Pursuits

Throughout the years various people have called into question our decision for me to be home with the kids. Living on one income can be difficult and often the advice I was given was, "Why don't you get a job?" 

And while I toyed with that from time to time and there were periods when I did work, I still had a desire to give my children the security of knowing I was there for them. We have three children who have unique needs and I wanted to be available for whatever it was they needed. I also know my tendency to become a workaholic and I didn't want that to happen.

It was a choice we made and a choice that does bring about consequences. One of the consequences was that we didn't have money for many things that our friends did. Another consequence was having to deal with comments from others at times. 

A third consequence is one that I'm just realizing. The blessing of having children who have fond memories of their childhood! It wasn't all perfect and I made so many mistakes as a mother, including not being the most patient at times. But last night, I heard something from my son that made me happy.

Stephen is driving for an organization that provides social services for its clients. He often has to transport people who have had their children taken away for various reasons, usually drug related. He takes them to their supervised visits. After a crazy experience last night with one of the clients, he said, "I am so thankful that I had 2 great parents that were always there for me."

Even though my children may not always acknowledge it, I am thankful that periodically they will say things like that. It's an affirmation that we made the right choice. 

My kids are grown and I'm still at home but things have shifted a bit. My focus is more on ministry and now that they are young adults I can do many things that I wasn't able to do before - hospital visitations with Dan, Great Commission Women's Director, working on consecration and being involved on a different level at church. I still enjoy being on my own schedule and being available for my husband and kids and while I'm not sure what my future holds, I'm thankful for the time I was at home.


  1. I always tried to work around my kids schedule and I was lucky to have the skills to do so, but we would have had so much more money if I had climbed the corporate ladder and I often wonder if it would have made a difference either yeah or nah.

    1. That's always the struggle - knowing whether it was the right decision or not.


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