Multitude Monday

I woke up at 3:45 a.m. to the sound of the wind and couldn't get back to sleep so I finally got up. It sounds like a freight train rumbling as it gusts to over 60 miles per hour. We have a blizzard warning here and it really has to do more with the wind than the snow. It's barely snowing and we only have a gotten a couple of inches. But it's blowing hard which makes white out conditions and we were without power and internet for a couple of hours this morning. We also lost part of the edging on our roof as there was a particularly strong gust. Our neighbor's pine tree fell over too. Crazy wind!

But I'm thankful for many things today and thought I'd list them here now before we lose power again.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,596 - 3605.

3596. A husband who puts so much time, thought and prayer into his sermons.

3597. A fun time at a baby shower this weekend. It was nice to just sit and enjoy and not have to do anything.

3598. An unexpected paid day off from work for Stephen. His boss called and told him to stay home with pay because of the weather.

3599. Board games which are fun.

3600. Deer coming out of the woods, a sign that spring is around the corner.

3601. A stove that works despite no power so I can at least cook and bake to keep the house warm. I made a pot of lentil soup and a loaf of whole wheat bread and a whole chicken is going in soon.

3602. The fun of soap making.

3603. A wonderfully cohesive worship team.

3604. Answered prayers.

and finally...

3605. A quiet day of reading, puttering and napping. 4 a.m. came too early and I'm feeling a nap coming on!


  1. Replies
    1. One picture has my heated oil mixture for the soap and the other picture is the lye and goat's milk. You have t get them both to the same temperature (90 degrees Fahrenheit) before you can mix them. I had a digital thermometer in both while waiting.

    2. And I meant "pitcher" not "picture." lol


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