Bleeding Heart

The problem with having a bleeding heart is that no one can see it from the outside. You can walk around and smile, carry on conversations, and act like you always have, and no one is aware that your heart is breaking and the life is slowly oozing from you.

Many of us have become adept at trying to fake it until we make it. We've become experts in plastering on a smile while inside it feels like we are dying. We've gotten good at hiding our bleeding and broken heart.

And yet, we are called to share our burdens, pray for one another, and share our lives with each other. But how can that happen if we walk around trying to keep it together so no one will know what's going on deep down?

It's going to take a little vulnerability and transparency. It's going to mean that you open up a bit and say what's really going on. It means swallowing our pride and allowing others to see the cracks in the armor.

And that's scary because sometimes people offer up pat answers or can make it worse or not even understand. But it's a chance that needs to be taken because if you never open up, no one will see that bleeding heart and no one will know how to really pray.

When we open up and show our wounds to another there is the chance you will find you are not alone in your bleeding. Your transparency may give someone else the courage to open up and share their struggles as well. And that's what being part of the body of Christ is all about.

Galatians 6:2 ~

 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.


  1. I have to teach a lesson to a woman group in Be not deceived. How our culture and social media have us all believing we are not good enough and alone. But through the atonement of Jesus Christ we are enough. He paid the price and we just have to live by the mandates.

  2. Thank you so much for your posts... I cannot tell you how much they have encouraged me over the years.

    1. I'm so glad they have encouraged you. Have a wonderful day!


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