Encouragement for a Discouraged World

I started my blog, Hearts in Service in 2008, and since its inception my desire has been to encourage those who read here.  That has also been the goal of all four of my books.  Much of this is because so many people feel discouraged. In this day and age of social media and 24/7 news media it has gotten even worse.  We are inundated with negativity, despair, and hopelessness every single day. People are looking for hope but they seem to look everywhere except to the One who actually can provide it.

As I write here and post on Facebook, I try to show how the Lord is working in my life. I attempt to keep my posts uplifting and positive.  Does that mean I am happy all the time?  Not at all.  I struggle with feelings of depression and negativity just like everyone else does. Things in my life are difficult and I have to work my way through a variety of emotions on a daily basis.

But my goal is to point others to Christ.  My desire is to be a light to those who read.  I want to show people that the Lord can work in your life no matter how difficult the challenge and not matter if you don't see the answers you want.

There are a series of published books about missionaries that have gone overseas under the umbrella of our denomination throughout the years. These books are stories of what they faced on the field and how God worked. From time to time, I enjoy reading them because I find encouragement and renewed purpose in the ministry that God has called Dan and I to do as I read about their lives. Reading about others in similar circumstances helps me in my own.

And that is one of the reasons I share from time to time about some of the things I struggle with myself.  While I am transparent about some of these things, I still strive to make this a blog of encouragement for my readers. I want to encourage people, and if you are a believer, to be challenged in your walk with the Lord. He can work through any situation in your life.  

And finally, it is through faith in Christ that you can find hope for whatever you face.

Colossians 1:27 ~

God decided to let his people know this rich and glorious truth which he has for all people. This truth is Christ himself, who is in you. He is our only hope for glory.


  1. I love you for your encouragement and honesty
    You truly are a special person
    Thank you for your postings
    I know you have many struggles now, but know I think of you often


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