My Pastor

We walk silent through the woods, each lost in our own thoughts. Each feeling a heavy burden in different ways. Mine usually has to do with my children and family. He carries the weight of pastoring a church on his shoulders. It's been an especially tough few days as a dear woman in our church is entering her last days and we are both sad about that.

Dan is generally easy going and laid back. He's not a Type-A personality nor strong in the area of programming or administration. But what he is strong in is being relational. He is wonderful with people and can chat with them all day long, talking about whatever they are comfortable with. He is wonderful at comfort care and shepherding. He does a terrific job of getting people involved in ministry who may not normally have been involved. When he's spending time with people and building relationships, he comes away feeling fulfilled.

And sometimes that makes this "task-oriented, get things checked off my list" woman a little crazy. Because even when I visit someone, I tend to make it a quick visit. I really don't want to just sit around for hours chatting with someone unless there is a purpose to it.

Unfortunately, there are times when I get irritated and try to impose my personality on Dan. I get annoyed and there have been times when unkind words fly out of my mouth. And sadly, there have been times when I've devalued the personality and gifts that God has given to him. This usually only happens when I'm concerned about what others may be thinking. Instead of home being a safe place where he can come, I'm afraid, at times, I've made it a place where he gets scolded.

We are such sin-filled creatures, aren't we?  I am working on getting rid of these bad habits I've developed. My prayer each day is that I can show my husband unconditional love. That I can appreciate the gifts, talents and personalities that he has no matter how different they are from mine. My prayer is that my words would build him up and not tear him down. The ministry is hard and at times, very discouraging, and I don't want home to be a place where I add to his burden. 

Because the reality is that I love him with all my heart. He makes me laugh. He gives me sound spiritual advice. He prays with me. He loves me despite all my sin and my own quirks which I'm sure drive him nuts at times!

It's pastor appreciation month and I so love and appreciate this man who bears the burden of not only our family, but the church. He left early this morning before I was even up and is on his way to go get Emily from college and will be back mid-afternoon. 

I think I'll give my pastor a hug and a kiss when I see him! 😉


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