The Road Goes On

The Road goes on
Ever ever on
Hill by hill
Mile by mile
Field by field
Stile by stile
The Road goes on
Ever ever on

I'm struggling with lack of motivation this month, as well as struggling with continued sadness over the loss of my mom. I'm feeling lonely as this pandemic keeps going. The cold, gray days stretch on and on. 

I celebrated my 59th birthday on Monday, but it wasn't the normal joy-filled day. My mother always sent a gift and special note and I was missing that. My son has been struggling with his own bout of depression and that has caused concern and stress. 

And yet, no matter how I feel, life goes on. I have work to do at home and Nathan needs our help with situations he is facing. I have church work and district work to do as well. I have orders to fill. So I get up, get dressed, and move forward. I keep on keeping on down the road that the Lord has placed me on.

I know that spring will be here before long and the sun will shine again. I know that grief will lessen over time. I know that our circumstances will eventually change. So I move forward, one step at a time.

And that's all we can do with any of the struggles we face, isn't it? Because when we give in to the emotions, it's easier to just want to lay down on the side of the road and not move. So while I acknowledge the sadness, the depression and the stress, I'm not allowing it to take over my life. 

And there are moments when a glimmer of joy hits me or I find levity in something. Laughter still rings out and there are hours when things seem normal. 

So I'll keep on walking forward each day, moving on down the path. I'm looking forward to the time when I don't just see the unending road ahead but can look from side to side and enjoy the scenery once again.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Linda! I appreciate the encouragement.

  2. I found your blog through your comment on Angela's Tracing Rainbows. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother. Yes, moving forwards, one step at a time, is all we can do. Best wishes as you do move on.

    1. Thank you for visiting and thank you for your kind words. I'm taking it one day at a time.


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