No Matter the Season

Early morning sun peeping in my window, robin's red breast, bulbs popping up through the ground, the sound of bird song in the air. These are all signs that spring is on the way. Even though it's still chilly and the snow flies some days, these small signs lift my spirits after a long, dark winter.

I love spring because it's a renewal of living things, a sign that no matter how gray things can be, there is always life and hope right beneath the surface. No matter how discouraging things can be in my life, there is the knowledge that things will get better and brighter.

I'm taking close notice this year of the opening of the bulbs and buds around me because it's a reminder to me that no matter what I face, I know without a doubt that God is at work in my life. Because my roots are deep and grounded in Christ, I can have hope. The unfurling of leaves from their buds, is symbolic of the hope inside of me when I stay grounded in the knowledge of God is working through my struggles.

And that is the thing that brings me joy, no matter what season of life I'm in.

Marty Rubin ~ 

"The deep roots never doubt spring will come." 


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