
The weather was beautiful this weekend and yesterday afternoon, after church, we headed out to go for a walk. No matter what is going on in my life, getting outside in nature always lifts my spirits. Some of it is because exercise increases endorphins, but it's also a sanctuary for me. 

As a pastor's wife, as well as a ministry leader, Sundays are not generally a day of rest. And to be honest, I don't always leave church feeling restored. And that's because I'm teaching or counseling or absorbing another's burden. Sometimes Sundays can be days of feeling beat down because of expectations of others and their idea of what they think the pastor and his wife should or shouldn't be doing. At times, it can be a day of pure exhaustion.

So when I have the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some solitude I will take it. 

God's hand is in all I see. 

The humorous. 

The majestic.

In every little detail.

In new life.

In song.

In colors blooming.

In the warmth of the sunshine.

As I walk my spirits lift, the cares of the world melt away and I always leave my sanctuary feeling lighter than when I started. As I walk and talk with God, the burden melts away and I'm left with a sense of awe that the God of the universe cares about me enough to have a conversation with me.

This sanctuary or holy place is made that way because as I walk, I keep my eyes and ears open. With eyes of wonder, I expect the God I serve to show up and walk with me.


  1. I feel the same way just getting out of doors, Terri. Sometimes it is just as far as my front garden, but the lovely Spring flowers popping up really raise my spirits.

    1. I'm so excited to see the bulbs I planted back in the late fall starting to pop up!


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