Finding Inspiration to Scratch my Creative Itch

I find inspiration in many things and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do things I love which scratch that creative itch I have. Some days are spent doing tedious work, but yesterday was one of those days in which I felt the cloud that's been hanging over my head lift and I was able to enjoy every moment of the day.

The first way I find inspiration and strength to face the day is to spend time in God's Word and prayer. It is always the first thing I do each day. I keep my phone across the room so I can't see notifications popping up. My laptop is off. It's just me, a good cup of coffee and God's word. Oh.....and Emily's bunny, Molly, hopping around me though sometimes, she is a distraction!

The second thing I did yesterday was get outside and exercise. I went to one of my favorite places nearby - The Audubon Center. I walked about 2 miles and took some photos along the way. Photography is another way that I capture some of the beauty around me.

The third way I scratched my creative itch yesterday was by using some of the bounty found in nature. After my walk and before I got in the car, I saw a field full of dandelions and decided to pick them so I could make some dandelion jelly. I'm always amazed at the things you can do with just a common weed! Dandelion jelly tastes a bit like honey and is delicious.

Fourth, I love flowers! I planted tulip bulbs last fall and had a whole row of beautiful flowers; about 35 of them. Every time I look at them they make me smile. Until yesterday. I came back from my walk and saw a bunny next to them. And then I noticed about 15 of the tulip blossoms were gone. I live in the middle of a city and yet, we have deer go through our yard almost every day. Sure enough, they found my tulips. Deer love the blossoms; bunnies love the leaves. Ugh. 

So I decided to cut some of the ones that were left and bring them inside to enjoy. While I was at it, I brought in some daffodils too. I love everything about flowers - the colors, the shapes, the scents! A lot of my creativity is inspired by the beauty of these delicate plants.

The fifth way I found inspiration yesterday was in my kitchen. I love to cook and bake and I love to bless others with the bounty. I made a pot of soup yesterday and three loaves of bread and went to visit a friend who is stuck at home. I brought some of the soup and a loaf of bread to her so she would have a meal and we had a wonderful visit.

And finally, I found inspiration yesterday in my sewing room. I love putting different fabrics together to make beautiful things. I made three table runners which went into my Etsy shop.


In between all these creative pursuits, I managed to clean the bathrooms, do 4 loads of laundry, mop my kitchen floor and a host of other things. I fell into bed sleepy and happy last night and slept soundly until 5:30 this morning. 

I'm looking forward to another day to fit in time to do the things I love!


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