
I planted tulip bulbs back in the fall and they make me happy every time I see them!

Saturday was my oldest son, Nathan's birthday. He turned 30 years old which is almost impossible for me to believe! Ever since he was born, he has been my special one. He struggles with multiple disabilities and yet, he is quite articulate, given the time to get his thoughts in order.

I always give my kids the opportunity to choose their birthday meal no matter how complicated. And Nathan always takes up the challenge! :-)

This year, he decided he wanted Chinese food which is his favorite. He was quite specific in his requests - egg rolls, dumplings and stir fry. He nonchalantly said, "Eggrolls and dumplings are easy!" Oh, my son, how little did he know.

Hours and multiple loads of dishes later, he had the dinner of his wishes. Homemade eggrolls which I thought turned out quite nicely and to be honest, really weren't that difficult. And really, the cooking of Chinese food isn't complicated. The prep takes a long time.

I made pork potstickers with homemade dough.

We had beef & veggie stir fry and I made a homemade ice cream cake for dessert. The dinner was a hit!

We had a work day on Saturday morning and the rest of the day was spent making the meal.

Sunday was busy with church. I also filled some orders and finally added my handmade goat's milk soap to my Etsy shop.

Love how my soap suds up!

Monday is Dan's day off and he took Nathan and Stephen who was visiting with him on a little road trip, while I went to visit my mother and father-in-law and spend a couple of hours with them. Then I took my niece out to get something to eat.

I was dragging a bit yesterday and it took a day to recover from the weekend, but I truly enjoy doing these special things for my family. It's one of my love languages and I look forward to them.

Emily graduates from college on the 15th though it will be a virtual event. We are going to watch it with her and take her out to eat. Then we are planning a party for her on June 5th. Looking forward to showering her with love then!

And of course, that will take me a couple of days to recover then too!


  1. Our 8 year old grandson is our special one. He was born with a deletion along a chromosome, has a significant sensory processing disorder, anxiety and some learning struggles. However, he will tell you everything there is to know about the planets and solar system and major weather events. I wish Nathan a Happy Birthday and Congrats to your daughter.

    1. It amazes me how when we are deficient in one area, it's made up in a different area. Like your grandson, Nathan is so intelligent about different things. Thank you for the well wishes!

  2. I cant believe Nathan is 30! I'm sure he enjoyed his special meal, you are so clever to do that!

    1. He was 16 when I started this blog, Barbara. That seems so long ago!


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