You Do You


I want to encourage you today with a lesson from a cowbird. One year a Phoebe bird built a nest on our porch. I came out to peek in the nest and found a broken egg on the floor of the porch, Yet, when I looked in the nest there were still four eggs. However one of the eggs was speckled and it had not been there before. 

It turns out a cowbird came along and knocked one of the Phoebe eggs out of the nest and lay one of it's own. They are notorious for doing this. They basically lay the egg and abandon the chick and let another bird raise it. When the eggs hatched there was a cowbird chick who was much bigger than the others. It definitely looked out of place and awkward.

I kind of feel like that Phoebe chick at times. I will go along just fine and then something or somebody will trigger insecurity in me. When that happens I'll wrestle with feelings of inferiority or being unimportant for a few days. And it's silly.

Insecurity can be very crippling when it happens. Perhaps you struggle with this on an ongoing basis. The reality is you don't have to be like anyone else. God gives you your own personality, skills and spiritual gifts that He wants you to have. 

I'm reminded of the saying, "You do you!" So I'm thankful for the lesson of the cowbird egg and I will just continue to do my best to be me and I hope you will do you!

I don't know who may need to hear this lesson today, but I want to encourage you to be the unique person that God has created. If you are a believer, you have spiritual gifts that He has endowed upon you. Use them and don't have feel like your gift is invaluable or unimportant.

The body of Christ is made up of many people with many gifts. So be the best cowbird chick God wants you to be!


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