Introducing my New Book


I had a not-so-good end to my day yesterday after my wallet was stolen and all our debit and credit cards were racked up before I noticed. I spent the late afternoon and early evening on the phone with the police, banks, and other government agencies trying to get it sorted out and get replacement items. Hopefully, the banks will be kind and reverse all those charges.

Anyway, it almost stole my joy in announcing my newest book, "When Your Faith is Put to the Test," is now available for purchase. It's a fitting title for my situation, isn't it? This is an 11 week Bible study on the Epistle of James. 

You can find the link on my side bar at the top left of this post which will take you to my Amazon page. If you scroll down my list of books, the newest is at the bottom. This was a long time in coming as well as teaching it three times. It's a challenging study, but a good one.

I'd love it if you would share this with those you know. The only way I can get the word out is through my readers! I appreciate it. 


  1. So sorry about the theft, people are horrible arent they. Your book will be a wonderful read, I'm sure.

    1. Thanks Barbara! A man found my wallet this morning and contacted me so at least I got back my driver's license and insurance cards.


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