Frugal Friday

We've had an enjoyable week so far. I will forever be a country girl at heart who loves wide open spaces, wild flowers and green meadows. The sight of silos in the distance makes tears well up in my eyes because of fond memories of playing in hay mows and climbing trees as a child. I know, it's sappy, but that's me! :-)

Dan and I watched the sunset the other night over the lake and it was wonderful to feel the warm breeze on our faces and hear the waves hitting the beach. It was definitely relaxing!

So far on this vacation we've spent about $100 for the week which included 2 nights of ordering in because it was just too hot to cook. I'm thankful for a gift we received which is allowing some of that.

In between our hikes and daily jaunts, I've been doing some canning, sewing and crafting. I'm participating in a craft fair this weekend which is benefiting a local library.

I've been shopping at a few of our local farm markets to save a bit of money. I'm not fond of shopping so do love the convenience of doing all my grocery shopping in a grocery market, but find that I spend less if I make the rounds of different farm markets where I can get some good deals.

I bought some cucumbers and this past week I made some bread and butter pickles and sweet relish. 

I heard that my favorite Amish dry goods store is closing permanently after this week so I wanted to go stock up on some baking supplies. Of course, it is in the middle of no where and a beautiful drive!

My sweet husband pulled over on the way when we came upon a good patch of Queen Anne's Lace. I make jelly with it every year and it has a subtle flowery lemon taste and is delicious on toast.

I'll be making jelly with these today. 

Because this is the last week they are open, I was able to get 25% off everything. So what would have been $86 came to $64.50. 

For Mother's Day I had gifted the ladies in our church with some whipped hand cream. One of them asked if she could purchase a few containers of it to give to a friend so I made two batches this week. One was Lavender and peppermint and the other chamomile and tea tree oil. 

I have so much fabric in my stash so I've been sewing some things for this weekend's craft show. I hate to see it just sitting there and hopefully will do well.

We've mostly saved money this week by finding things that are free to do. I'm thankful we love to hike and that there are some beautiful spots nearby to explore. 

Today is going to be spent going on a short walk and then mostly getting ready for tomorrow. The past two days have been so incredibly humid so I am thankful that my sewing room is in the basement where it's noticeably cooler. 

I don't have a lot to report on in the frugal department this week. How have you been saving or making do?


  1. What a shame that such a useful store is closing.

    1. Yes, I'm not sure why they are closing and they had an auction going on yesterday at the farm so I think maybe they are moving. By the way, I wanted to wish you Happy Birthday! I saw that comments have been disabled on your blog so am wishing you a happy day here.


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