Through it All

There are times in my life when I get a deep sense of the presence of the Lord. It doesn't always happen, but lately I've experienced it more. 

Yesterday, was one of those times. Was it because I was in deep reflection and prayer? No. Was it during a time of church or district ministry? No. Was it because I had some profound inspirational thoughts? No.

In fact, I was driving back home after spending a couple of hours chatting with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. I woke up yesterday morning and had the desire to bring them dinner. So before church I whipped up a batch of brownies and then after church I put together one of their favorite meals. And I drove the hour to their house to deliver it. 

On the drive home, I was struck with a sense of peace and contentment and again, the feeling that the Lord was present. I think it was because I was able to enjoy ministering to my in-laws. Often I get so busy with my own "stuff" that I forget to slow down and do things like this. I'm glad I listened to that nudging yesterday because it was a wonderful way to start a new week. 

Today is the day when I list the things I'm thankful for in my life. I always enjoy this exercise because I tend to be a "glass-half-empty" type of person and this gets me looking at some of my blessings. 

💖 Beautiful weather this week for February. It got up into the mid-60's one day and the sun has shone for much of the week.

💖 Celebrating my middle son's 30th birthday with him.

💖 Beautiful Valentine Day flowers from my husband.

💖 I'm thankful I get to walk through life with this man.

💖 A productive week and one when I was able to tackle my mess of a sewing room and reorganize my fabric. All those bins and baskets have 1/4-1/2 yard portions of fabric. It's not a pretty room since it's in our basement, but it works!

💖 I took my son, Nathan, to an all day appointment for testing this past week and I'm thankful that we were able to do that. We are working on getting him services through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities and there is certain tests needed. While it was difficult to re-walk through the struggles we had when he was little, it is good to receive confirmation from experts.

💖  Because the weather was so nice, I was able to get out and walk almost every day. Movement is good for me!

💖  I'm thankful that the next two weeks will be a bit slower for me. 

and finally...

💖 I am thankful that it is well with my soul. Through all we've been through in ministry, having a child with disabilities, the struggles, the pain, the joy -- God has been faithful. 

And for that I'm thankful!


  1. That is such a powerful hymn, with a great story behind it. I am grateful for a good man beside me and a loving family around me - and for a great church family too. This past week was very busy - half term so lots of time doing grandparent duty - but this coming week is equally busy with church activity. I WILL make time to get out into my garden and appreciate God's blessings of nature.

    1. Being out in nature is one of my favorite ways to connect with God. Enjoy!

  2. What a lovely bouquet or flowers Terri.


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