Receiving the New


I had such a busy week as I am preparing for two retreats next weekend. One is Friday night through Saturday afternoon and then the other begins Saturday night through Sunday afternoon. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest idea to schedule both on the same weekend, but I was trying to streamline my life. I'm prepared, but it did add an extra level of "crazy" to this month. 

I've been doing a lot of reflecting and re-evaluating this week. As a woman in leadership I often find that I get so busy doing that I forget I'm supposed to be leading and mentoring others. Both God and wise friends keep reminding me of that.  

I'm leaving on Tuesday afternoon as I have a district meeting on Wednesday and I still have a number of things to do before then. However, I did take some time yesterday to get out and hike with my husband and I'm so thankful I did that. My head cleared, my mood lifted and I felt energized. 

As we walked and talked through some of these struggles, I felt like I got some clarity. I have been staring at a computer screen all week as I prepare and being out in nature was wonderful. 

The season is changing and the leaves are turning color. It was a tangible reminder to me that seasons in my life must end too in order for change to happen and new opportunities to begin. There are tasks and ministries that I need to let go in order for the Lord to usher me into a new season of my life. 

I'm not fond of change and changing myself is especially difficult. Yet, in order for growth to happen I must let go of what is keeping me stuck. Sometimes we can cling to things because we feel like that's all we have and yet, God may have something even better around the corner if we would just trust Him.

In order for God to fill my hands with His blessing, I need to open them up. That requires letting go of what is keeping me from receiving them. 

That will look different for each of us. For some it may be a job or a ministry. It may be a new opportunity that is coming your way or it may be an unhealthy relationship. It may be a repeated bad habit in your life. But in order to receive the "new" that God has, you must be willing to let go of the "old" ________________ (fill in the blank). 

When we can do that, God will meet us where we are and pour out His blessing on our life.

Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”


  1. Lovely pictures, lovely post. Yes, it's hard to change and give up the familiar. But change is necessary to open the door to new and wonderful experiences. Change would be easier if we could be assured of what's waiting for us by changing. But that's not possible. So I guess that's where faith comes in...

    1. Yes, it definitely requires faith and trust!


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