A Deep and Constant Presence

“The seasons change and you change, but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad and as full as ever.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon 

Change and chaos is all around on a daily basis. The world is in chaos and at times, our circumstances are in chaos. But I'm thankful for the abiding, never-ending consistency of the Lord.

There is beauty and comfort in His constant presence. No matter what is going on around you, You can be at peace because He is the solid rock who is never shaken.

When you start looking at our circumstances or what is happening all around you, it is easy to start getting worked up. When you keep your eyes planted firmly on the Lord you will experience a calmness that you wouldn't have operating in your own strength.

May you experience the deep and constant presence of the Lord today.



  1. Thank you Terri, always a comfort.

  2. A beautiful post and a much needed reminder.
    He is the only constant in our lives.
    Every thing changes but the Lord.


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