Following Where He Leads

I spent my weekend at a retreat center on the mountaintop where I grew up. I had been invited to come as the main Bible teacher for the weekend and was speaking on the Epistle of James. 

It was a wonderful weekend of connecting with new women from all different denominations, but it was also wonderful to minister alongside my sister and niece. They helped me lead worship for the weekend, but my sister also organizes and manages all of the retreats plus does all of the baking for events.

I think my main take-away from the weekend was a confirmation from the Lord that I'm doing exactly what He has called me to do. I've been working hard the past few months to wean out those things that are distractions from my main task. It's not always easy because I love to do so many different things, but I also know that when I stay focused, I see God move in amazing ways.

The women this weekend were engaged and responsive to the material and that was encouraging. It was wonderful to have give and take discussions on what I was teaching. There were insights that they brought up that helped me to see the passages in fresh new ways. I also loved being able to listen, encourage and pray with different women throughout the weekend. I loved that there were 20 year old all the way through 80 year old women studying together. I enjoyed every single moment of my time.

I have a number of other speaking and writing engagements coming up so it's going to be a busy few weeks, but when I am operating within the calling that God gives me, He infuses me with His energy and strength.

I want to keep moving forward on the path He has put before me and follow where He leads. I'm not always sure where that will take me, but I will keep moving forward one step at a time. I do know one thing about the Lord. Whatever path He takes you on, He is there with you.


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