
This week is going to be a busy one as I prepare for a weekend retreat in which I'm the main speaker. I'm putting the finishing touches on 4 sessions which also include breakout times. It was a bit irritating to me when I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and was unable to get back to sleep. But I guess I should view it as a jump start on the day! :-)

I'm thankful for many things today.

💗 Pulling the last bit of beauty from my flower gardens and bringing it indoors. 

💗 A wonderful worship service yesterday.

💗 Safety traveling this past weekend.

💗 Exciting times ahead. 
💗 Cuteness on nature walks.

💗 Continued weight loss and learning new ways to cook.

💗 Coffee with a friend.

💗 Challenging conversations which stretch me. 

💗 Getting back in the sewing room. 

💗 My thanksgiving cactus is beginning to bloom. I'm thankful for this reminder of my mother each year as we are coming up on the 3rd anniversary of her passing. This plant was in her house and was not doing very well. I'm thankful I was able to revive it.

💗 My son, Stephen, has Covid and I'm thankful that even though he feels ill it's not too bad. 

💗 I'm thankful Nathan is doing well at his new job and seems to enjoy it.

💗 A enjoyable weekend, connecting with women and helping out a good cause. 

💗 My husband who makes me laugh every day.

and finally...

💗 New mercy each day.


  1. I have the same plant Terri. They respond well to a feed now and then. Mine is at the same stage of flowering as yours!

    1. I also pour in a cup of coffee every so often as I read they like that as well.


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