2025 Goals
My new year got derailed as I was down with the flu for a few days. Today I feel like I'm on the mend. Unfortunately, Dan and the boys are sick so now they are under the weather. The hazards of living together!
I decided to go ahead and post some of my 2025 goals here and just leave out some of the more personal ones.
My word for the year is Thrive, but I also don't want the connections I worked on in 2024 to go by the wayside. So I'm incorporating thrive into connecting.
2025 Goals
Word for the year: THRIVE
Theme verse
Psalm 92:12-15 ~
The righteous THRIVE like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they THRIVE in the courts of our God. They will still BEAR FRUIT in old age, HEALTHY and GREEN, to declare: “The Lord is just; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”
My goal this year is to thrive in every area of my life and walk in the path God has for me. Thriving happens when I stay connected to Him and bear fruit.
I also need to focus only on what God has for me and it may not be as grandiose as I think. It may be simple, down to earth, bless those He has in my path, do only the things He brings my way and don’t pursue more than that. It’s okay to say, “NO!”
I broke down my goals into three categories of connecting. Connection to the Lord, connection to others and connecting to the purpose God has for my life.
Connect to the Lord so I can THRIVE, reminding myself that God is not done with me yet.
Spiritual Goals
1. Declare God’s faithfulness in the morning and at night through journaling, reflection, and prayer and praise. (Psalm 92:1-2)
2. Daily time with the Lord to do number one.
3. Four times a year take a personal retreat to hear from the Lord.
THRIVE in my Connection to others.
1. Work on making my marriage thrive through weekly connections/dates with Dan.
2. Continue sending cards once a week.
3. Invite someone at least 2x per month out for coffee or over.
THRIVE as I Connect to God’s plan for my life.
Health Goals – be the healthiest version of me.
1. Continue to eat a plant-based whole food diet, eliminating sugar, oil, processed foods.
2. Exercise at least 5-6 days per week, elevating my heart rate (so in other words, not just going for a walk).
3. Work on strength training (weights, etc.)
Personal Growth/Business Goals –
1. Do it NOW – stop procrastinating when feeling overwhelmed. Every day start with the thing I want to do least and then go from there.
2. Continue to read books on leadership development and personal growth - at least 5-10 books in 2025 on this topic.
3. Write a new Bible study on Joshua - come up with a writing plan and start writing each week until it's done.
I tried to make sure I kept it specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART Goals) so that I can actually achieve what I set out to do.
I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get working on my goals for this year. Do you set goals or resolutions for the new year?
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