Carry On

I've had a very unsettled few days as I've watched a change in administration in our country, and have seen decisions being made that affect friends. I have also felt soul-sick as I see posts on social media where people are either elated or devastated. In both cases, the ones posting are ignoring how their words are affecting others. There seems to be posts either ignoring hurt people or hurling insults at the other side. And to be honest, it makes me really angry. 

For someone like me, who hates any sort of confrontation - passive or aggressive - it stirs up a whole lot of anxiety and I can begin to give way to discouragement. My spiritual gift of mercy is also agitated as I know how these decisions will affect lives of people already in turmoil. Some of us in our church work with refugees in our city. These sweeping decisions could potentially affect not only the people in these ministries, but also the jobs of people working with them. 

So it's understandable many of us can begin to feel disheartened. However, I began to hear the following phrase...carry on. The Lord reminded me that no matter who is in charge, my purpose is to love those around me and to continue to do the work He has given me. And ultimately, He is in control, regardless of who is in the highest position in the land. 

When I begin to focus on the injustices, I come to a screeching halt. When I focus on carrying forward the work of Jesus to whoever is in my path, I am being a light. Regardless of who is in office, our focus as believers is to be salt and light in this world. I'm afraid many have gotten that switched around, especially when they only seem to focus on politics. There are some who cannot tell you what the word of God says about something, but can quote their favorite news source verbatim.

I've had to take a step back from social media because that keeps my focus on the wrong thing. I've had to take the news in very small doses. I also am not interested in having political discussions because I find them a waste of my time and a distraction. 

I have a task at hand. God has given me a purpose. I want to continue to be faithful and carry on. And I also make sure that my focus is where it should be.

Philippians 4:8-9 ~

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

As I carry on with my purpose, I am going to continue to love whoever is in front of me. Ultimately, God is in control and He is a God who sees and loves all people. Our task as believers is not to make sure everyone lines up with our political view point. Whichever way you vote is your right. I believe you should vote however your conscious directs you, but I want to remind people that our salvation is not dependent on whom we vote into office. It's faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Both political parties are corrupt because they are run by sinful people and our task is not to usher in a political kingdom. It is to bring the Good News to hurting world and to show Jesus to whomever is in our path.

Regardless of your political leanings, I want to encourage you to shift your focus and carry on!


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