Clarity in the Silence

I've been silent on this blog the past week or so for various reasons. Some of it comes from just not having much to say. Some of it was because I've been away at a conference all week. The conference was for missions leaders in our denomination and from around the country. There were also a number of our international workers from all over the globe.

As the time to leave for the conference approached, I began to feel like I really didn't want to go. There is much to do here. We are in the middle of a deep freeze and snow. I was just coming off being sick for a week. And on and on the excuses went. But since I was traveling with someone else and she was relying on me to get her there, I went.

And I'm so glad I did. My traveling companion was young - 24 and I was able to pour into her life all week as she is seeking God's will in her life and whether she should go overseas or not. I was able to receive clarity about my own role and received affirmation from the Lord to stay faithful. I enjoyed spending time with friends that I don't get to see very often. I was inspired and encouraged to keep pressing into ministry God has given me and I received affirmation that our church is on the right track with reaching out to our neighbors (which includes refugees that are here).

We had meetings from early morning through late at night and I am tired. However, I'm very thankful for the time away, disconnecting from my online world for a while, and taking the time to hear clearly what God is saying to me. 

I was reminded of the initial call on my life and reminded that He is not done with me yet. It's not easy being in ministry and I am thankful for events like this that keep me focused, encouraged and ready to keep moving forward.


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