The Time That is Left

I turn 63 today and am realizing that I have more of my life behind me than I have left to live. That's a bit sobering and  I want to make the most of the time I have left.

As I get older I know my body is going to slow down, but I want to live my life in a way that is meaningful. I want to follow God's leading. I don't want to spend my remaining days looking back and wishing I could do it over. I don't want to spend my remaining days wishing they would hurry up and end.

I want to look forward and keep being useful as long as I have breath. I want to wake up each day and expect God to be at work in my life. I want to continue to learn, to grow and to encourage others. Even when there comes a time when I cannot physically do what I'm doing now, I want to still be used by the Lord.

I'm 63 but God willing, I have quite a few years left. My prayer is that I will use them up in a meaningful way.

Erma Bombeck ~  

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left but could say I've used everything you gave me”. 

Psalm 90:1~

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.


  1. Happy Birthday. I hit 70 in April. About 10 years ago I heard a preacher approaching retirement say " I don't want to fade out gracefully, I want to go down still with fire in my belly for the gospel" This phrase has stuck with me. William Booth told the soldiers in his Salvation Army "there is no discharge in this war" Believe me Terri, 3 years into retirement from full time.ministry, we can attest to God still having a purpose for us both. As the old hymn says "There's a work for Jesus none but you can do" Enjoy your birthday, and may God grant you many more years of life, love, and laughter in his service 🙏❤️

    1. Thank you, Angela! I'm not going down without a fight. lol I like that quote, "there is no discharge in this army."

  2. Terri, my husband will turn 74 on the 31st of this month. He still plays basketball with naval active and reservists at the Arsenal in Rock Island Illinois. They call him Old Man, but he always keeps up with them and shoots well! You have accomplished so much in your Christian doings with Dan and I am sure you will keep that up well no matter your age. Happy birthday!!
    God bless, Kathy

    1. That's amazing, Kathy! Thank you for the birthday wishes. I appreciate it!


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