What Does Thriving Look Like?

I added some Valentine Day touches this weekend and I was amazed at how cheery it made the house seem.

We finally turned the calendar page and are in February. January felt like one of those months that just wouldn't end! We've had quite the winter here and still have a lot more to get through, but I'm thankful that the days are getting longer and we've actually had a few days with some sunshine. 

It's been a week since I posted, but that is mostly because it was a very busy one. I had multiple meetings, a number of deadlines, I worked on the message that I gave yesterday, as well as my normal to-do's. 

I am thankful for a bit of quieter week. So many of my days are filled up very quickly with ministry meetings. I decided that I need to do a better job of controlling my schedule and keeping them for the same days of the week. This way I can free up certain days to get things done around here, as well as for my personal business. 

I wanted to revisit my monthly goals since we are done with the first month of 2025. This will keep me on track. But as I looked at them, I realized that I need to revamp a couple of them. They were either too vague or not realistically something I want to do this year. So I'm tweaking them.

My word this year is thrive, and that includes spiritually, physically, in business and in the way I live my life. But it also feels a little too subjective and broad. What does thriving really look like? It's something that I am going to be reflecting on and thinking about in the coming days. 

Perhaps that is my only goal this year - think about what it means to thrive. :-)

What does thriving mean to you? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Thrive to me means you do what you have to do plus more and you do it well!! You also ad some fun times too and do them well!!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I have to remember that second one (fun times)! ;-)


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