When the Waves Keep Crashing

Pounding, relentless waves. That's what life feels like at the moment. We get through one stressful crisis and then the next hits before we get back up on our feet. And because we are in  ministry, when others are getting hit by their own waves, we feel them too. To be honest, all of us who are part of the body of Christ hurt when another member of the body hurts.

In the past week, our church family has experienced unexpected and jarring death, health crisis', job loss,  sickness, and stretching beyond human ability. The motherly part of my personality wants to make it all go away, but that is not possible. There are some things that Band-Aids and hugs won't help. 

In the middle of this, Dan and I are also experiencing our own stress as we deal with frail and elderly parents. His mom was admitted to the the hospital with congestive heart failure and she is agitated. She has Alzheimer's and wants to go home so she keeps trying to leave. My father-in-law is agitated as well.

Those waves just keep pounding and l wish I could catch my breath. I know those going through their own crisis wish they could catch their breath too. I can't make it better for anyone, but I can be a support. I can pray and give hugs. I can be a listening ear. 

This morning as I made my way to my favorite chair and opened up my Bible, I read the following passage. 

2 Corinthians 4:7-16 ~

Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us. We are pressured in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; we are persecuted but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed. We always carry the death of Jesus in our body, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who live are always given over to death because of Jesus, so that Jesus’ life may also be revealed in our mortal flesh. 

So death works in us, but life in you. And since we have the same spirit of faith in keeping with what is written, I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, and therefore speak. We know that the One who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and present us with you. Indeed, everything is for your benefit, so that grace, extended through more and more people, may cause thanksgiving to increase to God’s glory.

Therefore we do not give up.

This passage brought such comfort and encouragement today. Life is overwhelming and hard and painful, yet, we still have hope. God is working in the middle of our hard times and that is the reason we don't give up. Those waves knock us down and often, we swallow quite a bit of salty water. But we aren't drowned. We get back up and keep swimming. 

That knowledge is what keeps me going when I think I'm going to sink under the waves. Hard times, tragedies, stress and anxiety are a part of much of our life. But because we have Christ in us, we have hope and the ability to persevere through those difficulties.

I am thankful for that truth this morning. It is a truth that will help me take whatever comes my way this day.


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