
Showing posts from March, 2025

Monday Blessings

  I'm probably a bit strange as I've always liked Mondays. To me, it feels like a brand new beginning. On Sunday afternoon I always sit down and write out my to-do list for the week and look forward to checking the items off my list. It's also the day I try and look back over the previous week and find some things I am thankful for, or ways I saw the Lord at work. I'm dragging a bit on this Monday because I started getting sick over the weekend. So my cold-induced haze is making my thinking a little foggy today. But I have so many things to be thankful for and want to list them here. 💓 The biggest thing is the physical improvement in my mother-in-law. She went from being at death's door to being able to sit up and eat. Unfortunately, her cognitive ability has taken a turn for the worse and her Alzheimer's has become more pronounced. She is in a rehabilitation center at the moment and we will find out at the end of the week where she will land (either assisted l...