Blessings in the Hard

The clocks sprang forward yesterday and while we lost an hour of sleep, it was so wonderful to have the light later in the day. Because it was also a sunny day I was able to go for a walk at my favorite place in the afternoon.

I'm thankful for this little sanctuary that is close by where I can have some time to disconnect. I never quite know what type of wildlife I will see. I walk, think, pray and just enjoy the sights.

It's been a tough week and a hard time in life at the moment as we continue to see my mother-in-law decline mentally with Alzheimer's. She is healing physically, but is becoming more childlike in her ability to cope with being in a nursing home facility. Until she is totally off the IV medication and also able to move with minimal help she cannot live where my father-in-law is living.

She is angry and weepy and using language she has never used in her life. She says no one tells her anything even though we've told her exactly what is happening. But she doesn't remember from one minute to the next. So visits are not pleasant because it takes a long time to calm her down. And her anger is directed at whoever is in the room at the moment.

But we keep visiting anyway because she is loved and even though she doesn't think that is so, we don't want her to be alone. My daughter and son-in-law met us there on Saturday so they could visit. It was a hard visit as she was very volatile, but I was proud of Emily and how she was able to get her to calm for a while. I know it's hard for the grandchildren to see their grandmother in this state. Alzheimer's disease really stinks.

So while life is difficult, I keep trying to find the little blessings in each day. This week I am thankful for the following:

💓 Despite my crazy schedule this past week I was able to get almost everything done on my list.

💓 Hot coffee in the morning.

💓 Sons who are willing to help us with their grandparents.

💓 Being able to work with women from around the globe.

💓Little ones at church who make me laugh with their questions.

💓The huge hug I got from a little boy at church yesterday. Sometimes a hug does make it all better.

💓 A wonderful support system from women in our church.

💓 Reminders to wait for the Lord's leading before I jump into decisions.

💓 God's provision. 

and finally...

💓 Being able to see the little blessings in the hard times.



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