Catching Up
I spoke with my sister, Tracy, the other day and it was wonderful to talk to her. It had been a few months and even though she only lives about 3 hours away, I haven't seen her in over a year and a half. We are both in full-time ministry and it just seems like our schedules never match up. Her husband is a pastor and the director of a Christian bible and retreat center and they are starting a little gift shop and she asked if I could send her some of my items for the shop. They only have guests a few months out of the year so I'm not going to be doing huge sales there but I was excited about putting some of my books, soaps and craft items there. The problem is she really wanted some for this weekend because they have a group coming in as well as two other retreats this month. So yesterday, I made the decision to leave today on an impromptu trip to visit her and bring the items myself. This way I can bring everything since it...