Time Keeps on Ticking

Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Time seems unending when you are waiting to be released from quarantine. Today officially marks the end of my ten days of restriction, but my plan is to not go anywhere for a few days more. I'm still feeling the effects of Covid-19, though feeling much better. My son and husband ended up testing positive as well and they still have another week to go. I have had much time to think, pray and meditate. I've wrestled with some things, worked through other situations, and have a few revelations along the way. I finished a book and started another. I've kept in touch with family and friends via text, phone and email. I've taken numerous naps. I sewed a bit and took a couple of isolated walks. This morning as I spent time in prayer the thought occurred to me that quarantine hasn't been all bad. I've gotten more rest than I normally do. I've spent some quality time with my husband and son. I've slowed down and give...