Multitude Monday
I felt like a cracked egg with all my insides pouring out. I had shared a weakness I was having and a concern for prayer and immediately after the words were out of my mouth I had second thoughts. I had that nagging feeling that I maybe I shouldn't have admitted I struggle with that. After all, I'm a pastor's wife. I'm supposed to be one of those piano playing, well-dressed, smile plastered on my face, only sweetness and light pouring out of my mouth women, right? At least I shouldn't ever admit that I struggle with insecurities or sin. My life is perfect and I am that woman with the sweet and gentle spirit. At least, I should fake it until I make it. Be quiet, meek and never show a crack in my shell. But that's not who I am or how I was created. I'm fairly transparent. I don't go around sharing every little thing and I certainly know when to have discretion. But overall, the cracks show. ...